3 Biggest Lessons for Painting with Watercolors

When I first started painting with watercolors, I can tell you that I had no idea what I was doing. First off, I didn’t really start with watercolors, but rather, Tombow Watercolor Markers that mimicked watercolors.

That alone made my watercolor practice progress at a very different pace than had I started with actual watercolors from the very beginning.

The learning curve was very slow for me. I learned through time and a lot of testing. Over that time, I’ve come to realize that three things made a huge difference for me once I learned these lessons. I wanted to share them with you because I know that it will make a huge difference for you.

Watch my YouTube video below to get the full lesson.

0:00 Introduction

0:30 The Quality of your Watercolor Paper and Why it's Important

1:10 Benefits of High Quality Paper

2:01 Why Working Small is a Game Changer

2:05 Benefits of Working Small

3:10 Let the Paint Dry

3:20 Benefits of Letting Paint Dry Fully

If you’ve been painting with watercolors, share in the comments below what your biggest lessons have been and what made a huge difference in your practice.

Keep calm and watercolor on,


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