A stress-free program for learning­ watercolors so that you can create beautiful art without overwhelm and frustration.

In this 4 Module course, you’ll receive a step-by-step guide to help you learn how to paint with watercolors while eliminating overwhelm, frustration, and uncertainty, so that you can paint with confidence and know-how to create beautiful art you can be proud to hang on your walls.

Only $29

Before I tell you about the amazing things you’ll learn in this course, let’s make sure you’re a good fit.

You are right for Stress-Free Watercolors if you have been dreaming of painting beautiful watercolors but have been too overwhelmed, intimidated or unsure of where to start. 

Stress-Free Watercolors is right for you if you want to learn the foundational techniques to painting with watercolors so you can create beautiful art that you are not only proud to put your signature on, but that you actually want to hang on your own walls and gift to friends and family without fear of embarrassment or questioning “is this really good enough?”

Whether you are:

  • A retiree looking for a new hobby that fills your days with the joy of creating artwork you love

  • An exhausted mom who desperately needs “Me Time” and wants that time to include a creative outlet that brings a new sense of purpose and pleasure to your life

  • A corporate executive who is burnt out from the daily grind and needs a way to release stress, while tapping into your creativity to bring new inspiration to your day to day

  • An individual who simply loves to create and is looking to try watercolors for the first time…

You’re in the right place!

In Stress-Free Watercolors, I’ll give you all the tools, inspiration, and support you need to confidently create beautiful watercolors that bring you joy and fulfillment, and that you are proud to share with the world.

At the end of Stress-free Watercolors, you’ll Confidently be able to…


Purchase Supplies & setup

your workspace to best serve you in painting your artwork WITHOUT wasting time, money and energy.. 


such as wet on wet, wet on dry, dry on dry, and the three main types of washes to achieve the desired effects and results you want. 

Utilize Techniques


to maintain the beautiful transparency of watercolors while avoiding messy puddles, muddy paint or hard edges.

Control Paint to Water Ratio


to mix paints to achieve the right colors, while creating gorgeous palettes you love.

master Color


that make your artwork shine, while giving you more tools and techniques to use for variety in your artwork. 

Create Texture & Depth


Avoid Common Mistakes

so you can focus on the joy of painting, while achieving a flow state, and eliminating frustration.

Watercolors were completely new to me and I found it so fun and interesting! When I finish Module 4 I’m going to start all over. Anxious to compare all the projects before and after.

I wanted to thank you for all the knowledge and demonstrations you provided. My goal is to give close friends and family a small framed picture for Xmas. I plan to watercolor forever! Thank you for your patience with me. I loved the course!
— Lynn B.

What Students are Saying

I loved Stress Free Watercolors! It gave me a starting point for my watercolor journey.
— Mandy F.
This was my first formal watercolor class and it did NOT disappoint! Brett’s weekly modules were filled with helpful tips, techniques and tons of encouragement. Brett’s voice was so soothing as was the soft music in the background, I found it really relaxing and helped me to get into the flow. I highly recommended this class to anyone looking to learn how to paint with watercolors and wants a new favorite hobby.
— Amy L.
I enjoyed Stress Free Watercolors very much. I thought it made watercolor painting very approachable even with very little experience. I would definitely recommend it! And Brett’s personality is a definite bonus - soothing and encouraging!
— Missy L.
Overall it was a wonderful experience and certainly sparked my creativity. I plan on experimenting with botanicals both realistic and abstract to use when making greeting cards, tags etc. This will be a wonderful addition to a hobby I already pursue.
— Sue B.
Brett’s beginning watercolor class is a breath of fresh air. She eliminates the fear so many of us harbor when we attempt to try something new.

Brett will provide you with the basics, from exactly what tools you need,to how to form your brush strokes. Her relaxed and patient style not only teaches you the principals of color but will ignite your imagination. Before long you will be exploring colors and styles of your own!
— Leslie R.
I probably never would have taken a watercolor class because I had heard so many horror stories about how difficult watercolors are. You took the horror out!
— Carolyn M.
I found this extremely helpful. There were areas in watercolor, I have struggled with and Brett’s explanations helped me a lot. Thank you!
— Sharon S.
  • 4 Modules with over 20 lessons to help you create beautiful watercolors

  • Lifetime Access to the complete curriculum and any future updates

  • 20+ Exercises, 6 Mini-Projects and 3 Final Projects to help you practice and implement what you learn




Stress-Free Watercolors


What’s Inside

MODULE 3: Additional Creative Techniques

Once you’ve learned and mastered foundational techniques of watercolor, you’ll then learn additional techniques that will give you the ability to be more creative with your artwork and to create interesting textures and effects that will make your work stand out. This module will make watercolor more playful and fun, and will allow you to discover techniques that go beyond the every day.

MODULE 4: Putting it All Together

After learning all that you learned in Modules 1, 2 and 3, you’ll be ready to put it all together to create your very own masterpieces.

We will go over simple guidelines to approach a full piece of artwork, basic composition, and how to create the perfect color palette, all of which you will then apply to three final projects, including a coastal landscape, a bird portrait and a botanical.

MODULE 1: Supplies, Setup and Color

To create beautiful artwork, you must use the right materials. Trust me, I’ve used the wrong materials and it wasted a lot of time, money and energy. In this module, you’ll not only learn what to buy, you’ll learn why. Complete with demonstrations and exercises of the materials, you’ll come away with a solid understanding of the supplies that will make your artwork shine. Also, you will learn the basics of mixing colors so that you can always get the perfect color you want for your paintings.

MODULE 2: Foundational Techniques

Watercolors have an undeniable look and feel compared to their Acrylic and Oil counterparts. Achieving the translucent look you want takes some practice, but knowing what techniques to use, and when, are going to propel your artwork into a new stratosphere.


BONUS 1: Before and After Project

Anxious to see how Stress-Free Watercolors with Brett Blumenthal changes your watercolor practice, confidence and abilities? In this bonus you will receive a special project that allows you to test your skills before the course. When the course is over, you’ll return to the project and redo it with all that you have learned throughout the course so you can see the improvements you’ve made and a record of your Before and After the course abilities.

What You’ll Get:

  • Royalty Free PDF Reference Photo from which you’ll create a piece of art in the 1st Week, as well as in Week 4.

BONUS 2: Stress-Free Guide to Using Reference Photos

Reference photos can be a huge help in painting your artwork. With this stress-free guide, you’ll learn how to use reference photos legally and easily.

What You’ll Learn:

  • Where to Find reference photos so that you can be sure that they are royalty free.

  • How to use Reference Photos to create a composition that is unique to your artwork

  • Several Methods to Easily Transfer the image of a reference photo to your art surface.

  • 4 Modules with over 20 lessons to help you create beautiful watercolors

  • Lifetime Access to the complete curriculum and any future updates

  • 20+ Exercises, 6 Mini-Projects and 3 Final Projects to help you practice and implement what you learn




A little less than ten years ago, I was just like you.

I hadn’t picked up a paint brush since my college art class, and the idea of becoming a full-time artist was completely outrageous.

When I had my son, however, everything changed.

I stumbled into created watercolor artwork for his nursery, and became hooked.

Today, I have a thriving art business and sell my art all across the world.

My art has been sold in Land of Nod, Pottery Barn, the National Parks, and the San Diego Zoo, and my very first Children’s Book - I Wish for You (Macmillan) ­– came out this past Spring.

If I could successfully learn watercolors, so can you, and I can’t wait to be your guide through your learning process!

meet your instructor

I want you to love watercolors and feel confident in painting with them. And yes…this is an investment. I get it. Things are tighter for everyone these days, so I want to alleviate any qualms you may have about that investment. To take away all of the risk of investing in something you don’t love, I'm giving you a 14-day satisfaction guarantee.

So if you jump in on Stress-Free Watercolors today you are 100% covered by my 14-day money back guarantee. All you have to do between the day you purchase the program and the following 13 days is email me and let me know (in good faith!) that the program wasn't a good fit for you.

So, You have nothing to lose — only time to focus on creating beautiful watercolors.



The course begins as soon as you enroll. You’ll have access to all of the content immediately


Yes! Whether a total beginner or you have some experience, Stress-Free Watercolors is designed as a self-paced course so that you can go at the speed you are most comfortable with. We begin with the basics so even if you’ve never picked up a paint brush, you’ll know exactly what to do. And, if you have some experience, you’ll learn more along the way that will elevate your watercolor practice.


Yes. We will be going over a lot of techniques that will help you solidify what you do know, and will also be going over some more advanced techniques that can elevate your practice.


Once you enroll, you’ll receive your login information via email and will get immediate access to your course portal where you will access the Course supply list and all of the modules and lessons.


You’ll have ongoing lifetime access.


The course is self-paced, meaning you can do the lessons when you have the time. Each lesson is short so that you can digest the information in small chunks. You can watch the videos and go through each lesson at your own pace. You can also modify the speed of the lessons (if you think I talk too fast or too slow!). You can also rewatch those lessons you feel were a bit more complicated so you can solidify your understanding.


You will receive a suggested supply list after you sign up. I make an effort to minimize cost as much as possible and have “Must Haves” and “Nice to Haves” designated so you know exactly what you MUST have for the course. We will go over the supplies in the first week so if you want to wait before buying, you can wait until we go through all of the supplies in detail in the first week.


The Facebook Group will be available for as long as the course is live.

  • 4 Modules with over 20 lessons to help you create beautiful watercolors

  • Lifetime Access to the complete curriculum and any future updates

  • 20+ Exercises, 6 Mini-Projects and 3 Final Projects to help you practice and implement what you learn




You should give Stress-Free Watercolors a 14-day risk-free shot if you’re motivated by any of the following:

  1. You have always wanted to paint with watercolors but are unsure of where to begin.

    I hear you. It can be overwhelming to start something new. And if you are like me, you have probably heard that watercolors are such a hard medium! I’ve got you. This course is going to take away the fear, overwhelm and confusion, and empower you to confidently paint with watercolors.

  2. You wish you could paint but think you have no talent.

    It turns out that your level of talent is not the defining factor of your ability to paint with watercolors. As a matter of fact, technique and the supplies you use will define your ability much more. That’s where Stress-Free Watercolors comes in. You will learn all about the supplies and techniques necessary to be able to successfully paint with watercolors.

  3. You have no time, but desperately want to build creativity into your life.

    The great thing about watercolors is that it is a very easy, clean and portable medium. You don’t need a lot of space, and you can create beautiful watercolors rather quickly. If you’re short on time, watercolors is one of the best mediums to learn to let your creative soul flourish.

ON THE FENCE? keep reading…

It’s a new year…and what better time than now to begin a new hobby that brings you joy and fulfillment.

If you’ve been on the fence about watercolors…whether it’s a time constraint…a fear that you don’t have enough talent or know-how…or a feeling of overwhelm when you consider where to start, Stress-free Watercolors is meant for you.

I’ve been where you are now. I once was a “non-artist.”

Without any formal training, however, I taught myself how to paint. I learned a TON over the last ten years and now I want to share my knowledge with you and help you discover your own creativity. I can’t wait for you to experience the joy you’ll feel when you finally look at your artwork and smile…

because you know your art is beautiful


  • an activity that allows you to lose track of time, while releasing stress.

  • having something that naturally takes your mind off all of the “have tos” and day to day responsibilities.

  • doing something that taps into your deepest levels of creativity.

  • feeling proud of the artwork you create.

I have experienced all of these first-hand, and I’m so grateful you are here considering this journey. I can’t wait to bring you along for the ride.

So, what are you waiting for? Let’s do this.

Keep calm and watercolor on,

this is your Time…

  • 4 Modules with over 20 lessons to help you create beautiful watercolors

  • Lifetime Access to the complete curriculum and any future updates

  • 20+ Exercises, 6 Mini-Projects and 3 Final Projects to help you practice and implement what you learn

